Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Archery: Starting Off

Before it became a recreation activity, archery was used by our forefathers as a weapon for hunting and even in combat. With the developments in technology, sophisticated weapons can now be produced which has left archery impractical to be used in activities it was known for. Therefore, it has become a form of pastime or sport. It involves a bow, a string that is attached to the bow and arrows that are placed on the stretchable string to be shot. Previously, archery arrows were made of wood but as technology advances and more durable materials are invented, they can now be made of more durable materials such as fiberglass, aluminium or carbon fiber. The best material amongst these three is carbon as it is the lightest and flies the fastest with the least resistance.

If you are searching for a new hobby that is not so strenuous, archery is the one for you. It is actually quite an easy sport as all you need to do is pull the arrow placed on the bowstring and release it at your target. Despite the fact that this sport does not require great amount of strength, it definitely requires one to be fully focused to get good results. An archer must also have the correct stance in order to be able to shoot properly. The feet have to be shoulder-width apart and the body of the archer should be perpendicular to the target. One can determine his or her skill by examining the distance of their shooting range and the weight of the bow they carry. As you continue practicing, you can advance to higher levels of archery and join competitions.

This hobby can be an expensive one to take up so if you are experimenting with it, I suggest you do not buy a bow first. You should go to archery ranges where you can rent the equipment to practice. If you feel that this is the sport for you, you can pursue buying a bow of your choice. There can be many reasons and advantages why one should take up archery. A few examples can be that it is a unique choice as not many people take up archery. Therefore, you would always have an interesting topic to talk about when you meet new people. Another reason is that it does not require great physical strength as compared to other sports. However, you must have the required amount of upper body strength to be able to carry out the activity. As a hobby, you can try various forms of archery such as competitive, field where the person shoots targets in an open area, and bow fishing where the person shoots fishes in the water using a bow and arrows.

If you are keen on competitive archery, there are two forms, outdoors and indoors. The indoor form usually has a range from 18 to 25 meters while the outdoor is 30 to 90 meters. As it does not strain your body, it can serve as a stress reliever as well.

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